Discover the many ways birds can be used to engage students in learning about environmental concepts. The workshop begins with a special presentation by Bob Mulvihill of the National Aviary in Pittsburgh. Bob will discuss how researchers learned that the Louisianna Waterthrush can be used, like a Canary in a coal mine, to monitor water quality of streams. Licensed bird bander Sandy Lockerman will demonstrate bird banding and discuss the importance of banding as a research tool.
This workshop will also feature a sneak peek of activities from the ongoing revision of the PA Songbirds guide. Activities will address topics such as bird identification, adaptations, the importance of habitat and migration. A bird walk will complete the training, with educators having the opportunity to improve their skills while exploring methods to instruct students on how to identify birds in the field and practice the use of binoculars and field guides.
Act 48 hours available.
Space is limited. Register at